As human beings, our health and bodily functions comprise more than a simple series of biological and chemical reactions We are emotional beings with electromagnetic energy flowing throughout our bodies This energy is a communication system, often creating changes in our physiology reflecting what we think and feel. Its balance and ability to flow freely determines the state of our health.

          Sometimes life’s experiences, especially negative ones, can overwhelm us leaving us unable to properly process our emotions – disrupting this energy system. Traumatic events get locked in time, capable of being reexperienced by the slightest thing. These events are stored in the mind and body disrupting the way our energy flows. They often leave us unable to move on from an event or heal from an illness.

          Most people don’t appreciate the deep impact trauma can have on their lives. Trapped emotional energy from trauma is not only mentally debilitating, causing huge amounts of stress, but often manifests itself as illness or disease and is at the heart of virtually all Chronic conditions.

          Whether you’re someone who finds they’re unable to heal either mentally or physically, or someone who’s trying to break their cycle of self-sabotaging behaviour, it’s essential to release trapped emotional energy.

          This site has been set up to enable you to better navigate the most effective ways to shift emotional energy. As an EFT, Matrix Reimptinting, and ACE (Advanced Clearing Energetics) practitioner, I offer advice and guidance for anyone aiming to maintain or return back to health.

About me

 I specialise in releasing trapped emotional energy Using tapping EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)/Tapping, Matrix Reimprinting and ACE(Advanced Clearing Energetics). As a therapist….


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Our health

What does it mean to be healthy? Some people would just say it’s the absence of disease or being given a clean bill of health after visiting the doctor’s surgery. But our health is so much more than this ….

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